Sunday, January 1, 2012

Project 4: Unusual Media

Using a non-art material...create a work of art!  
(tea, coffee, dirt, blood..whatever!)

Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands & sometimes on your paper!!
m&m's and sharpie
Created by:  sara w

 Nuthin but Nail Polish:  by Julie

Sepia Setting  by Ted Edinger
Ketchup, Mustard, Blackberry Jam, Dirt, Dishwashing Liquid

Hee Hee by Janet Malone
Unused cat litter


  1. Ha, ha! Janet, you used unusual and unused media! Thank goodness.
    But, I wouldn't leave my sketchbook laying around, doodles might want to change the status to "used".

  2. Sure..."unused" are gross enough to have gently used litter! ha ha
